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Great Day Out – Sentiers Gourmands de La Clape

For the past few years, the highlight of our social calendar has been an annual event called the Sentier Gourmand de la Clape.   In essence, it is an convivial amble (called a ‘Balade’ in French) of between 6km and 10km through some of the most dramatic vineyards of the La Clape region, with 6 tasting stops en route to sample the wines of La Clape and indulge in some haute cuisine along the way.

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The event, which takes place each year on the 3rd Sunday in May, is organised by the winemakers of the La Clape region, a rocky clifftop region on the outskirts of Narbonne, overlooking the Mediterranean. Recently this region gained its AOC accreditation and now the wines of the region carry the label of AOC Languedoc-La Clape and, to us, it produces some of the finest Languedoc wines. To accompany the high quality of the wines presented on the walk, a superb 6 course menu is served, prepared by the acclaimed chef Marc Schwall, patron of the restaurant Cuisiniers Cavistes ( in Narbonne.

Our party has grown from strength to strength as newbies become returnees, and in their turn bring more newbies. This year was no different and our group of 30 strong enjoyed an unforgettable day out, basking in lovely sunshine, drinking great wines, and eating some fabulous food. What more could you ask for!

Can’t wait for next year…….!


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