The key to property in the Languedoc

Our Team

Chitra Pullen

Founding partner and general manager 

I am a lawyer by training, having qualified as a solicitor in England in 1994, and worked in some of the largest city law firms in London prior to our move to France.

At PRE, I deal with the day to day management, as well as all the conveyancing and business development aspects of the agency.

Outside of work, I love to spend time in my jewellery studio. I am also a keen cook, foodie and wine enthusiast, especially the food and wine of the Languedoc!

Richard Pullen

Founding partner and sales and marketing manager

I come from a sales background having spent over 20 years as a partner in a financial services consultancy firm.

I head up the sales and marketing team. We bring on character properties in the region for our portfolio, liaise with prospective buyers and carry out viewings. The best part of my job? Matching the right buyer with the right property!

In my spare time, I am a keen guitarist. I am part of a duo that plays at local gigs and events from time to time.

Céline Laffon

Administrative/Finance Assistant

I joined Pullen Real Estate in 2018 with the aim of
consolidate their administrative team, after 15 years in the
administrative and accounting management of a bank. This partnership is very
enriching and dynamic because we hope to develop the company in the coming
years by offering high-performance services
personalized to our customers’ needs. A real challenge in the sector of
real estate in France….

Edwin Van Rheede & Wilfred Pol

Dutch Specialists

My name is Edwin van Rheede and together with my partner Wilfred Pol we moved, in 2017 from lively Amsterdam to the côte du Midi to make our dream come true. We were looking for a Chambre d’hôtes and Gîtes.  During this search for property in this beautiful area, we came into contact with Richard and Chitra Pullen from Pullen France, who finally made this dream a reality. By listening carefully to our wishes, having a broad knowledge of the business and the enthusiastic guidance during the purchase, we were able to start faster than planned. We are now a few years further along and we have also gained knowledge and experience about houses, tourism and the pleasant things, but also the business sides of living in this area. We would like to use this experience and knowledge to help and advise prospective buyers under the leadership of Pullen France. Since we come from the Netherlands ourselves, we will mainly deal with Dutch-speaking interested aspiring buyers. Our goal is that prospective buyers feel at home, pleasantly discover the beauty but also the pitfalls and business aspects with what life and buying a house in this region has to offer.

Barbara Fechter

German Specialist

Mit meinem universitären Hintergrund als Leiterin des Kultur-und Sprachenzentrums einer deutschen Hochschule habe ich viele Jahre internationale Studierende in Deutsch als Fremdsprache und Englisch unterrichtet u.a. auch an Universitäten in China und Kasachstan.

Einer meiner Schwerpunkte war interkulturelle Kommunikation und Dozentenfortbildung, wo durch ich auch von international arbeitenden Firmen für workshops angefragt wurde. 

Nach zahlreichen Reisen durch Europa und die Welt haben wir uns vor 25 Jahren in den Hof auf einem Weingut im Languedoc verliebt und dort ein Haus zunächst als Ferienhaus gekauft, so fängt es meistens an…..

Die traumhafte, abwechslungsreiche Landschaft, die Sonne, das Meer, das Klima, die freundlichen Menschen, Kunst und Kultur, nicht zu vergessen die kulinarischen Köstlichkeiten der französischen Küche, 

kurz „l’art de vivre en France“ oder „die Leichtigkeit des Seins“ lassen einen nur sehr schwer oder gar nicht mehr los. Den endgültigen Umzug nach Frankreich vor 7 Jahren haben wir keine Sekunde bereut.

Durch einen glücklichen Zufall habe ich Chitra und Richard Pullen kennengelernt und freue mich sehr, als Teil des Pullen-Teams meine Liebe zu Südfrankreich deutschen Interessenten zu vermitteln und sie auf ihrem Weg zu ihrem Traumhaus hier zu begleiten.


Moni Solen

Swedish Specialist

I have my background as a teacher in multimedia and art but then the love for France took over and now I work as a French teacher. Over the years, language has become an increasing interest for me and my next challenge is Japanese.

My husband and I have a great common interest in food and wine, which of course led us to France. For a period, we have also run a home restaurant in our apartment in Stockholm.

For many years, my husband and I nurtured our dream of getting a house in France and in 2018 we dared to take the step, much thanks to Chitra & Richard who guided us with a sure hand through the entire buying process. I now want to give back for all the professional help we received by helping Swedish buyers via Pullen so that they also feel as safe as we were when we bought our little “Jardin secret” in beautiful Aude / Herault.

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